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Here are some general faculty resources that may be of interest:

(1) Frequently Asked Questions: Student Resource Page–Canvas Plug-In

A group of UC Davis faculty have created an easy to use resource page that can be loaded into a Canvas course site or included as a link on a course syllabus or home page. The site is designed to provide information on general academic, health and wellness, career/internship, and community resources for students. View the page HERE.

There are two ways you can choose to use the FAQ resource:

  • Copy the url address below and provide a link directly to the page on your course web site, syllabus, or other course materials: https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/
  • In Canvas, create a new page in a course site or a sandbox, edit, and go to HTML view. Copy and paste the code below. This will directly embed the FAQ into your course Canvas site.

<p><iframe src="https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/" width="100%" height="640"></iframe></p><p>If you do not see an embedded web page here, your browser may be blocking external content. Enable external content in your browser, or follow the link below to view the page.</p><p><a href="https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://ebeler.faculty.ucdavis.edu/resources/faq-student-resources/</a>&nbsp;</p>

Once you’ve created the link or the page, announce in your class the availability of the FAQ page, briefly demonstrate how to access and use it.
Remind students periodically during the quarter (e.g., after an exam) about the variety of support services available on the site.
Here is some student feedback we’ve received about the site:

“It was really easy to find information because it was all categorized based on the questions we had…I found everything I needed, and I am sure other students will be able to have an easy time as well. I really appreciate that we have these resources available to us because it makes life so much easier. Thank you.”

“I would definitely recommend this to freshman and other students that are wanting to learn more about resources and information offered by the colleges.”

“I thought all the information was very useful. I would definitely recommend using this to a first year student.”

“If I need to search for information I typically search other online resources first. It is convenient that the professor bundles all relevant supporting resources all in one place though.”

Want to find out if students are using the FAQ resource and/or if they have feedback or suggestions? There are several ways to create a quick poll to survey students: (a) use the Quizzes tool in Canvas and classify the quiz/assignment as a Survey; (b) create a Qualtrics survey (https://itcatalog.ucdavis.edu/service/qualtrics-research-suite-online-surveys ); or (c) use Google forms (https://itcatalog.ucdavis.edu/service/google-apps-education ). Here are some questions you might want to use:

  1. How easy was the site to navigate? (very easy —> very difficult)
  2. How likely are you to use this site in the future? (very likely —> rarely)
  3. How likely are you to recommend this site to another student? (very likely —> not very likely)
  4. Do you have any suggestions that could improve your experience using this site? (free response)

Read more about the development, design, and adoption of the FAQ page here[Kiesel, Lungu, Wilson. 2020. Curating campus support resources to provide easy access for all students. Applied Economics Teaching Resources, Volume 2, September 2020]

If you have questions or comments about the Resource FAQ page or its use, please contact Sue Ebeler, seebeler@ucdavis.edu

(1) Creating Inclusive Classrooms–Instructor Resources for Continued Learning

Information compiled by UC Davis Office of Campus Community Relations: Link here.

(2) CA&ES Lead Faculty Advisor Handbook–Link here: Advising Handbook 2024

(3) UAP End of Year ReportLink here: Report 2018-19 and summary

(4) UAP End of Year Report–Link here: Report 2019-20 and summary

(5) UAP End of Year Report–Link here: Report 2020-21 and summary

(6) UAP End of Year Report–Link here: Report 2023-24

(7) Aggie Jumpstart End of Year Report–Link here: Report 2019-20 and summary

(8) Aggie Jumpstart: Impact and Effectiveness, 2019-2022–Link here: Report 2019-22 and summary